The European Ichthyological Society (EIS) is an international, non-governmental organisation of scientists and individuals interested in ichthyology (the study of fishes).
The EIS aims to coordinate research and promote international cooperation in the field of ichthyology. This is achieved by organising or supporting international scientific meetings, promoting publications, and in other ways as proposed by the General Assembly, the Council, or the Board. The area of activity of EIS includes Europe west of the Urals and countries along the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean.
The EIS was founded in Paris in 1976, during the second Congress of European Ichthyologists. One of the main considerations of the Society has been to further Congresses held every third year and hosted by members in different countries. The Society changed names several times. It was first known as the European Ichthyological Union (1976-1991), then for some time as Societas Europaea Ichthyologorum (1991-1997). The Seat of the Society is in Paris.
The EIS has a Board with President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and two members who are elected by the General Assembly meeting at Congresses, and an Executive Secretary, who is convenor of the forthcoming Congress. Society business meetings are known as the General Assembly, and realised at each Congress. Among other things the General Assembly elects the Board, and decides about the membership fee.
The membership is open to any individual or corporate body interested in the aims of the society.